"When children are playing, children are learning."

Friday 9 May 2014


This is our first post and with so much great learning going on in our room, it was hard to know what to talk about first!

For families, Mrs. Bell and I want this blog to be a spot to showcase all of the students' learning and for parents to have a better understanding of what their child is experiencing at school. We are hoping that this blog will be a jumping off point for many great conversations at home. 

For fellow educators, we offer this blog as a window into what goes on in a Full Day Kindergarten classroom. Our program is rooted in the philosophies of Reggio Emilia and Environmental Inquiry. We are inspired every day by what we see and hear. We hope you too are inspired!

- Mrs. Seddon and Mrs. Bell

So let's get started!

Next week we begin fundraising for our year end trip. We will be selling Freezies and lemonade for the month of May. Today Mrs. Bell and I presented the children with the following problem, "We need to know what kind of lemonade to buy, yellow or pink, for our sales next week. How can we figure out what kind to get?" The children decided that we should survey the students in each class. 

Those students interested in conducting the survey went to the classes in groups of three. One person read the question.

 One person counted the number of people.

And the third person recorded the tally marks.

As a whole group we then looked at our results and added all the classes together using tens, fives, and ones.

Yellow lemonade got 53 votes. Pink lemonade got 93 votes. Looks like we will be selling pink lemonade next week!


  1. Fantastic. Looking forward to being part of the class blog!

  2. Great blog. Love the approach and what you are doing with the kids and so does M.D. Thanks
